Sorry for the long delay on posts. Hunter developed, or at least started exhibiting signs of, Colic. Started out as being very difficult to console him, around 3 weeks of age or so and progressed to extended periods of screaming from like midnight to 3 or 4 am. This progressed some more and increased in length. It was more than Emily and I could really handle, I was going in late and taking time off from work. Needless to say there wasn't much time for blogging.
Emily's Sister Jenn, Bro-in-law Kent and their little one, Samantha, came into town to help out for almost a week. It was quite helpful. Samantha is almost 2 years old and was nice to have around, a light at the end of the tunnel sort of thing. That and she's stupid cute. Jenn's recent experience with child rearing was nice as well. Emily and I were able to recharge our batteries a bit and get a little more sleep. Also Hunter started to make a bit of a turn at this point as well. He went from awake and screaming all night to just awake all night. Which is amazingly better.
Now, Hunter is even starting to get onto a schedule. He goes to bed around 6pm and sleeps till 9 ish. Gets some grub, then sleeps till midnight or so, grubs it up, then sleeps till 3ish. 3ish is where this lovely pattern starts to degrade at the moment. But, things are improving by the week, so we are on our way to a normal life, ish. But Hunter is healthy and doing well. We have him on some baby Zantac, that helps as well. It's minty so he kinda likes it. So that's the update, Hunter hits 8 weeks on Thursday 7/1, and it's my last day at work, for good. So it'll be a big day! Love to see your comments. Here are what you really want, the pictures.
Please note that I am lazy and these are in reverse chronological order. Enjoy
Our friends Jon and Bobbi had Kaiya about 3 weeks after Hunter. Emily and Bobbi have been going on some walks together and sharing the experience. Yes, we have the same stroller. (Hunter is on the right).
This is from back in the day (3 weeks ago) when Hunter slept in the crib. Apparently I had swaddled him in a blanket that was the same pattern as the sheet in the crib. When he slept, he liked to put his hands up in the touchdown sign. Ahh, memories. That's all for now. Hunter is crying and it's time to get him back to sleep. Shoot us any comments.
P.S. We are flying to Indy over the 4th of July. So we land in Indy late on the 3rd and are going up to Fort Wayne on the 7th. We'll be up North till the 11th, and we fly home on the 12th. Emily and I will both be home full time for a couple more weeks after we get back, me much longer than that, so if you would like to come out and enjoy the beautiful Colorado Summer we have an empty guest room! Ta ta!