Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Customer Service!

So lately Jon and I have been getting some GREAT customer service!

First- the video monitor
Yes, we're spoiled and bought a video monitor to keep an eye on Hunter. I love it, honestly, I would recommend one to everyone. We've even used it to see what the dog is up to! :)
After Hunter arrived we started using the video monitor and it didn't seem to pick up sound well. Like..... I could hear Hunter crying in his room and the monitor wouldn't pick it up or would pick it up intermittently. So we contacted the manufacturer regarding the issue. They advised us to send it back and have it looked at to see if there was a problem with it. While we were disappointed we'd have to go without the monitor, it was worth a shot to see if it would work better. So after several weeks, they sent us a brand new monitor! And it works like a dream! So big props to Levana for the new Babyview20 ! The company handled everything very well and were always quick to respond to emails regarding the status of our return!

Second- the dog crate
We bought Brewski a crate in April thinking it would be good for him to have a place of his own once the baby arrived. He had been doing really well with staying in the crate until there was a thunderstorm while we were gone. When we came home Brewski had pryed the crate open at the top and escaped. Thankfully he wasn't hurt, but we were out over $100 on that sucker. So we emailed the company and they have offered to replace the crate with their nicest model available (the heaviest wire gauge)! Thanks MidWest Homes for Pets!

Third- a baby outfit
One of our friends got Hunter a fabulous Red Wings outfit (barf I think..... but it is what it is). However the 3 piece set has 2 pieces size 6-9month and one piece 3-6 months. has told us to send the set back and they will correct it so we have all 6-9month pieces! Woohoo!

And Jon got a free beer at dinner the other night cause they screwed up his burger :)
Can we do a post with no baby pictures.......

NO! :)

Hunter contemplates life in his sleep....
And after a good nap
.... we get SMILES!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Ahh, the Homeland

Hey All,

OK first off some updates. Hunter is now 24" long, like a good pike, and 12lbs 12oz. He also got his dip-tet, which is a HUGE relief, along with a couple of other immunizations. Hunter is really only getting up once a night now and his cries actually have some meaning these days and we are starting to get him figured out a bit. He is also smiling at us and sticking out his tongue at us. He is starting to mimic us a bit and being a really good time! We just got back from Indiana visiting the family. Hunter got to meet some more of his relatives, including his Great-Grandma! While we were in Fort Wayne, we had two great open houses for people to meet Hunter. Lots of folks got to meet Hunter and the open houses were great! Many thanks for all the work that went into those. OK, now back to the part you all like, THE PICTURES!

Here is Grandpa pulling some Nap Time Duty. Hunter is getting much better about sleeping on his own after some Self Soothing at home.

Gradma Deb had a rough week while we were in town, but a beautiful sleeping baby will make it all OK.

My parents took us to 100 Acres at the Indianapolis Museum of Art. It was, well, art. It was a nice time and a good walk. Hunter, obviously, is having a good time.

Here is Hunter at the Brew Pub after one teeny tiny taster.

Here is the
Illustrious Dr.
Juliana holding Hunter for the first time. She's a Doctor so he's safe.

Great Aunt Barb getting to hold Hunter for the first time! He never cried while she was holding him. She also showed us that Hunter likes his tummy patted.

This is a great shot of Great-Grandma holding her Great-Grandson. She's waited 61 years for this moment and she ate up every minute of it!

Here are four generations of Fearnows. Good luck lil Guy, you're gonna need it.

Justin and I stood next to each other at our respective weddings. This is the closest our boys have been so far, aside from being 2.5 weeks apart.

While hanging out at Grandma Debs house Samantha was checking out Hunter while he got some quality tummy time. All aided by the Tummy Time mat "Uncle" Dave and "Aunt" Laura got for Optimus.

Grandpa Mike with his Grand Son and Grand Daughter! Too cute!

Aunt Jenn getting in a little knitting while Hunter Rocks Out in his AC/DC onsie!

This picture is from after we got home but it's too cute to keep to ourselves. Hunter has been working really hard at learning how to soothe himself. One tactic he has learned is pretty advanced. It's a combination of a nose rub and a thumb suck. So far he's only done it once and the worst part, it's his left hand! Sinister!