Ok, so Hunter is down for one of his epic 30min naps so I'll try and get a blog post in..... for some reason he feels that this is sufficient..... his parents disagree! So suggestions on extending those naps would be great. Hunter is now 3 months old. Jon weighed and measured him on Friday, he says he's about 14lbs (!) and 24.5 inches. Here he is at 3 months!

Jon and Hunter have begun their adventure together of stay at home Dad and baby. Things are going pretty well and they are starting to get into a rhythm and get each other figured out. He's managed to go grocery shopping, do the laundry and run some errands, as well as some Manny time with some other Dads. If you know of a Dad's group in the Denver area I'm sure he'd love to have more people to hang out with that understand what it's like to stay at home. Hunter is working hard on holding up his head! Here are some pictures of practicing.

And, he's such a big boy he has rolled from his tummy onto his back (just once)! Hopefully he'll do it some more so mom can see.
Jon sets up the video chat so that mom can see Hunter while she's at work (and she loves it!!!!!) It's a nice part of my lunch break to see the little man play with his toys. Work is going ok for mom, she is very busy and the days go fast. A little more sleep and things would be peachy.
And of course.... more pictures!

We may have to invest in some serious baby hair gel..... we're not sure what's going on with that hair!