Just as Hunter looks back at himself in his snail toy, we must take a look back at Hunter as well. (I know, cheesy right?) Emily and I have been a bit remiss in posting blogs so we must get caught. You should be pretty caught up on Hunters life by the end of this post. We'll see, here goes. Timing wise, this post starts about a month ago with Hunter's 5 month birthday and pictures. Below you can see Hunter and the whole family. He is posed with his Pooh Bear, which is really going to be funny on his 16th birthday. The whole family is there, including Pooh. I'm pretty sure we are as happy as we look. Hunter is as happy as he looks in the solo picture. He is usually happier when his parents are holding him, I promise.
We took Hunter to the Pumpkin patch this year! It was pretty fun, although I feel like I missed a lot and didn't contribute much. In retrospect, I think I had the flu. We found 3 good pumpkins and took them home. We got to see some farm animals as well. Then one of us, OK 2 of us, was pretty tired so we headed home. We got the picture of him in his car seat before we got off the lot.
Yeah, no kidding. He is like the cutest kid of all time. I mean I was a really cute little kid, but Hunter is off the charts. C'mon, look at how cute he is, his tiny hands folded in front of him!
Here is Hunter Checking out the pumpkin Family. Emily's is on the top left, mine is top right and Hunter's is on the bottom. He can almost stand up holding onto stuff. I was too worried about the stability of the pumpkins to let him try it on his own. Plus, he'd already taken the fast way down the stairs on the Emily express the night before!
We also decided to try Hunter on some solid foods. Emily is in charge of picking these foods out. We started him on some Sweet Potato first. You can decide for your self if he liked it or not from the picture. Here's another clue.
Same results.
Today, Hunter is just over 6 months old and we took him to his 6 month check up. He is 16lbs, 6oz, and 26.25 inches tall. I won't call him long. Over 2 feet! He is in the 50% percentile generally and has a 17" head circumference. Helmets start around 18", so we are getting close! Here is Hunter's 6month picture. You can tell how much
Developmentally Hunter is right on track. He can roll over on demand, his of course, in both directions. He has started sleeping and napping (difference being time of day) on his tummy sometimes. Made Mom and Dad a bit nervous at first be we are getting used to it. He can partially sit up on his own. But you have to get him started in a good direction first. He is babbling up a storm and is starting to form some consonant type sounds. One of them being "mmm". He's on the verge of saying "Mom"! He's got the leg part of crawling down, just needs to include the arm motion. He should be pulling himself up onto things and cruising around in the next few months. If you get an interesting stable object in front of him and get him set up he can stand on his own for a bit already. Just can't get himself there on his own.
Couple things, more pictures on the picasa album. If you aren't getting emails telling you it has updated and want them, let us know. Also, let me know if you wanna chat during the day. We have video capability, so let me know.