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From Hunter New |
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From Hunter New |
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From Hunter New |
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From Hunter New |
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From Hunter New |
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From Hunter New |
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From Hunter New |
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From Hunter New |
Hey Out there. Remember me?
Anyhooo. Hunter has some new skills these days. On top of his stylin' dance moves he is starting to crawl, like a real boy! He can climb up one step on his own. He's got 2 front bottom teeth and is getting the top ones soon. He's eating like crazy. He can feed himself watermelon still on the rind. It's pretty cute. Picassa album is up to date. Email Jon if you need the link. Due to space constraints the older pics have been pulled down. Again, email if you want them. Here are two videos of Hunter.
Sitting up in the Kitchen.
Giving crawling like a big boy a shot.
Hey All,
Not a whole lot going on around here. Just day to day stuff. No major milestones or doctors appointments lately. Deb was in town for Hillary and James' Baby shower. Thanks again to her for watching Hunter so I could go for a bike ride. Thanks also to James and Hillary for staying the night and watching Hunter so Emily and I could go to the FF banquet. Continual thanks to the Vollmers for watching Hunter so Emily and I could go to the Ave's game. Now, enjoy some pictures.
So writing a blog, as I think I’ve talked about before, isn’t as easy as I thought it would be. Emily and I are busier than we have ever been as well. So, that doesn’t help a lot. But hey, we’ve set a precedent and we are going to live up to it. By golly by gum!
Hunter is about 8 months old these days. Kid's about as cute as can be and we are really enjoying him a lot. It’s been fun. He has started eating solid foods and is log rolling around the floor like crazy. No, Mom. Before you ask we haven’t baby proofed anything yet. He doesn’t move that fast YET. I know Mom, stop bothering me I’m trying to write a blog post here! Anyway. He has eaten a whole stack of different foods from avocado to squash, apples and peas. No meat yet, guess we’re supposed to wait on that. He’s been doing pretty well with it now and gets a bit impatient if he sees his food container or his spoon and has to wait for the first bite. Which he sometimes enjoys, sometimes not.
He has also started waving. Which honestly is cute as hell. He waves at strangers in restaurants, ladies at the grocery. I think that there is a potential cash flow opportunity here in a de-bacheloring service. I’ll let you know if it pans out. We didn’t really teach him to wave, he just started on his own. Seems like the learning things we aren’t teaching phase is well underway. Can’t wait to see the next one pop up, I think.
Now for some pictures, which you’ve probably already scrolled down to look at.
Before Christmas, checking out the tree.
Learning about the Christmas tree with he beautiful mother.
Opening presents with Mom. Already wearing his new Ambulance driver vest.
Excited about Christmas, wearing his Elf PJ’s
The pile of presents.
Family trip to the park to swing!
Excited to build towers out of his new toys.
Playing with presents with Cousin Samantha.
Grandpa Mike helping out with Hunter’s stocking.
Reading a Christmas Carol, night before xmas. I’ll read him this story every year till he’s 16 or so, then not again till he has his own kids. (Cynical, I know.)
Wrapped up in blankets at home with Dad.
Reading a story with Cousin Samantha, Aunt Jenn, and Grandpa Mike.
Obligatory 8 month comparison shot.
Loving playing with his new toy, thanks Osbornes.
Stop taking my picture and take me to Daycare.
Checking out his “My First Chrtistmas” ornament from his Great-Grandma.
Another potential tradition; reading the Polar Express. Assuming Mom can learn to get through it without crying.
P.S. This post took approximately 1.5 hours to publish.