Hunter is 9 months! HOLY COW! Where has the time gone?! He's really growing up now and showing his personality (demanding) and learning so fast! Pooh Bear now just gets in the way, move Pooh, I'm trying to play!
First, the stats:
Head 17 and 3/4 inches... blargh, I know Jon just wants him to get to the magical 18" so hopefully his little helmet will fit! So close! (40%)
Height 27 and 3/4 inches. Sorry short stuff, neither of us are that tall, though you have some history of height around, not sure it's gonna happen for ya! (35%)
Weight- 17 lbs 13 oz! Mom would have guessed 18 lbs (pretty darn close if you ask me)but... this only puts you in the 10%.... shocking considering the size of your chipmunk cheeks!
Dr. thinks you are growing great and doing well!
And some fun stuff, someone is figuring something new out everyday. His current favorites are turning pages in books (and has a particular dinosaur in one that he prefers)
learned where to put the ball in one of his toys, (looks like he can't find it this time!)
Sometimes not everything fits in the bowl like he wants it to!
And maybe, just maybe someone is getting down an army crawl. Jon and I don't think he realizes that he is moving himself forward... but he is!
And one of mom's favorites, getting some snuggles! I had some videos... but the battery died on the camera... maybe later!