Monday, April 21, 2008

Big weekend, no time for Bed Bath and Beyond!

Jon here. So, we had a big weekend! All kinds of fun stuff going on. I had to teach other people how to put out fires on Saturday. Scary as it sounds they trust me to teach new guys. So we spent the beautiful upper seventies sunny and clear day wearing 30 pounds of clothes and 30 pounds of gear running into a building full of fires. It's more fun than it sounds, weird.

Emily was spreading the gospel of science to children. She put on science experiments with her co-workers for children at the Broomfield Library. She put in normal stuff and turned the inside of the beaker, or some glass thing, silver like a mirror. Sounds more like Alchemy than science but she promises it's science. She got to spend the beautiful day in the library.

I took in a show Saturday night, a band called Under a Blood Red Sky. They are a U2 tribute band. So they pretty much get paid to go around and pretend to be U2. Except that U2 plays stadiums and these guys were in the basement of a resturant. They were pretty good musicians, U2 music is pretty tough to play. I kept waiting for them to cover another band at some point, they never did, weird.

We got in a nice ride Sunday and spent the day together, watched some hockey and took care of the dogs. Kind of lazy day but still nice.

I don't really want this thing to turn into a play by play of our lives but it was the best format for today, to show off the wonderful things my Wife and I do to support our community. Aren't we great!


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