Friday, September 5, 2008

Time for fall projects

We have lots planned for this fall! Hopefully we can get it all done. Especially since I will not be my normal helpful charming self after surgery.
First, the stump. The stump in the backyard is pretty annoying, grass wont grow over there, and its really not attractive. So on Monday we're having someone come grind out the stump. Hopefully that will go well and the stump will be gone!
Second, Trees. Obviously we are down a tree since we have a stump. We've noticed the grass doesn't enjoy the full sun, so we'd like to replace the tree that was taken down. I'm leaning towards an Autumn Blaze Maple. It has some great fall color (which we desperately miss out here!). It's also come recommend from the tree guy. Also on the tree front, it's time to get our trees cleaned up, so a firefighter who works for a tree trimming company will be coming over to help us out with this.
Third, Grass. We had a pretty hot, and very dry summer. We did readjust the sprinkler system and it seems to be helping. Unfortunately, there are still parts of the yard that are not going to make it. So once the stump is out, the trees are trimmed and the new tree planted.... we'll hopefully get some grass seed down before it snows 6 inches!
It's a lot to do, and not a lot of time, hopefully we can get it done! We also have 40 tulip bulbs to plant. Come on over and help whenever you're ready! :)

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