Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Robes and Watermelon

Hey All,

Few nights ago we put Hunter in his robe. He's starting to outgrow it a bit so we wanted to see him in it and get some pictures.

Tonight Hunter got some watermelon for dinner. He's been getting watermelon and has really gotten the hang of it. Take a look.

Nothing further. All is well. Welp, see ya later!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Some Videos

Hey Out there. Remember me?

Anyhooo. Hunter has some new skills these days. On top of his stylin' dance moves he is starting to crawl, like a real boy! He can climb up one step on his own. He's got 2 front bottom teeth and is getting the top ones soon. He's eating like crazy. He can feed himself watermelon still on the rind. It's pretty cute. Picassa album is up to date. Email Jon if you need the link. Due to space constraints the older pics have been pulled down. Again, email if you want them. Here are two videos of Hunter.

Sitting up in the Kitchen.

Giving crawling like a big boy a shot.