Sunday, July 3, 2011


Hey All,

Hunter is growing up like a weed lately. He has finally started really crawling like a big boy. I don't have a video at the moment, but I'll get one up here when I can. He can climb up stairs, but likes to come down them head first. Not the safest way to do it. So, we bought two more baby gates, taking us up to 3, one for everybody in the house. The joy's of a tri-level house. Hunter is also starting to walk if we hold his hands for him. He loves this but Mom and Dad aren't big fans. Might be looking for a better walking toy for him. Also, looking to get a video of him toddling around like this as well. Been busy but did grab some pics of the local events. Take a look below.

Chillin' with his toys. Takin' er easy.

Practicing for his Senior Pictures in a few years.

Sometimes are better than others!

Playing with Mommy. Hunter likes to stick his tongue out when he is trying to figure stuff out.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Robes and Watermelon

Hey All,

Few nights ago we put Hunter in his robe. He's starting to outgrow it a bit so we wanted to see him in it and get some pictures.

Tonight Hunter got some watermelon for dinner. He's been getting watermelon and has really gotten the hang of it. Take a look.

Nothing further. All is well. Welp, see ya later!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Some Videos

Hey Out there. Remember me?

Anyhooo. Hunter has some new skills these days. On top of his stylin' dance moves he is starting to crawl, like a real boy! He can climb up one step on his own. He's got 2 front bottom teeth and is getting the top ones soon. He's eating like crazy. He can feed himself watermelon still on the rind. It's pretty cute. Picassa album is up to date. Email Jon if you need the link. Due to space constraints the older pics have been pulled down. Again, email if you want them. Here are two videos of Hunter.

Sitting up in the Kitchen.

Giving crawling like a big boy a shot.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

11 months!

Wow, before we know it, Hunter will be 1! I can't believe how fast time has gone! Hunter loves to read books especially ones where he can lift the flap and find something underneath (reading= turn pages faster than mom and dad can read what's on the page!), play with his shape sorter, easter eggs, backwards scooting, and carpet swimming (see the video below!)

With pooh bear... pooh seems so small now!

Mom has been sewing... here's the sun hat she made for Hunter. Hunter is going to his first MLB game on Sunday, to see the Cubbies!

Video time.....

And one more

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Backwards to go forwards

Hey all,

Just a quick update. Hunter is making a concerted effort to crawl these days. He can push himself up on his arms, but when he goes to drive him self forward, he pushes too hard with his arms and scoots back. Looks pretty annoying to him. Sometimes you gotta back up to get where you need to go. If he crawls or I get video of him scooting back, I'll let you all know.


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring and St. Patrick's Day

Hey All,

Not a lot of changes around here. Hunter is still growing well. No major changes. He has learned how to clap and will clap several times in a row, and is pretty excited about it. Spring is beginning to show it's self around here, take a look:

A few of the flowers and such poking out around the yard. Hunter and I were able to get out a bit and hang out in the back yard.

Hunter loves to be outside pretty much anytime he can. Jon likes to get out of the house as well. Got some pictures taken and some yard work done while Hunter played on the blanket.

Hunter got some cute stuff to wear for St. Patrick's Day. Took some work and timing to get a few good pics but here they are.

Gotta keep breakfast off those jammies!

Even though it's warming up, still gotta keep those tootsies warm!

He was pretty excited to wear those socks!

Hunter says BYE!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Cloth Diappers

Hey All,

Call us hippies or long hairs or even Boulderites. But we use cloth diapers. Works for us. We have one big advantage that I stay home with the kiddo so doing laundry and things like that aren't all having to be done between 5-10pm or taking up our weekends. It also reduces the number, 2 a week, of days that Hunter is in Day Care. Lots of Day Cares don't take cloth diapers. We use disposable diapers for him those two days. I don't know what the numbers are on the "green" side of using cloth diapers over disposables. Based on the volume of trash we throw out and the number of diapers we change, I'm pretty sure we're in the black on that one. If some one knows those numbers I'd love to see them! We could be totally wrong, numbers and feelings don't always agree. But, I do have some numbers. The good ones, the ones that start with these $.

We've just made our last round of cloth diaper purchases, big ones at least. These diapers should be the last ones we have to buy. There will be some additional purchases, like more larger covers and snappies and maybe another tube of butt cream and wipes. But overall our diaper spending is mostly done. So lets look at some numbers, these are the total value new, some of these were gifts:

Cloth Diapers: $300 or so including 2 sizes of prefolds and covers and other types of diapers.
Disposables: $60 or so. We bought some little guy diapers in the first month or so and we have some for Day Care.
Sundries: $50 or so in diaper cream and wipes.
Tools: $20, I built a rig to wash poop out of diapers into the toilet.
Upcoming: $50, guessing on more wipes and such.

I think that's it. So looking at $480 total investment to get the kid in and out of diapers. Which is about 2 years or so (I hope). Looking at $20 a month. Not terrible. You can compare that to what it would be to do the disposable diaper route.

Granted there is additional water and electric used as well as wear and tear on our machines. But I think it's minimal in comparison to having to run the heat between 68 and 70 to keep the kid warm over the 66 we used to set the thermostat.

I've just been thinking about it and if you are looking at changing your income, because of an up coming kid. This might be a money saver. Not sure as I don't really buy diapers so I could be way off base and they could be really cheap. Also as a side note, he doesn't need very much diaper cream because the cloth is softer on him. He does need cream after a day in disposables at daycare. Since we are moving up to bigger stuff for him all the old smaller stuff is unneeded. We can send those back for credit, they go to needy familes, which is good for the $'s and for my heart (Le Sigh). But, if someone wanted to try them out on their babies ass, just let us know. Lastly, I'm a lazy SOB, and I can pull this off, so it can't be that hard.

Questions: There are a few questions we always get. Here they are with our answers.
Q. Isn't it gross that you wash your clothes in the same washing machine as his poopy diapers?
A. 3 things on that. One, We wash and rinse the diapers each time we wash them to make sure it all comes out of the diaper, and the machine. Two, as I mentioned above We thoroughly rinse the solid material out of the diaper before washing. Lastly, kids shit their pants, that is a reality. You don't just throw those pants/onsies/bed sheets away. They get washed as well, we just tack those in with the diapers, not his other clothes.

Q. Don't you spend more on water washing all those diapers?
A. Nope. We spend the minimum that Louisville is willing to charge us on water. There hasn't been a noticeable increase in electric or water bills since moving in. We do two loads a week of diapers only, and one extra a week for baby clothes.

Q. How can you afford to buy all the stuff?
A. Looking at the numbers how can you not afford it? Also, the upfront cost is intimidating and it was a big step for us. The gifts helped a lot (Baby Shower) and I JUST told you we would let you use our old stuff. Now that's cheap!

Monday, February 7, 2011

The Haps!

Alrighty folks. In an effort to continue to be the most excellent wifey that I am.... Emily is blogging. (Someone might have dropped a hint!)

Hunter is 9 months! HOLY COW! Where has the time gone?! He's really growing up now and showing his personality (demanding) and learning so fast! Pooh Bear now just gets in the way, move Pooh, I'm trying to play!

First, the stats:
Head 17 and 3/4 inches... blargh, I know Jon just wants him to get to the magical 18" so hopefully his little helmet will fit! So close! (40%)
Height 27 and 3/4 inches. Sorry short stuff, neither of us are that tall, though you have some history of height around, not sure it's gonna happen for ya! (35%)
Weight- 17 lbs 13 oz! Mom would have guessed 18 lbs (pretty darn close if you ask me)but... this only puts you in the 10%.... shocking considering the size of your chipmunk cheeks!
Dr. thinks you are growing great and doing well!

And some fun stuff, someone is figuring something new out everyday. His current favorites are turning pages in books (and has a particular dinosaur in one that he prefers)

learned where to put the ball in one of his toys, (looks like he can't find it this time!) and loves to put objects in the bowl shaped part of his shape sorter and shake them around!

Sometimes not everything fits in the bowl like he wants it to!
And maybe, just maybe someone is getting down an army crawl. Jon and I don't think he realizes that he is moving himself forward... but he is!
And one of mom's favorites, getting some snuggles! I had some videos... but the battery died on the camera... maybe later!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Peek a Boo!

Quick one, a video of Hunter, of course.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Your Contributions

Hey All,

Dad is getting a lot of good work, hopefully by the end of Q2 I'll be able to point you to a stores website to see my products. We'll see. But for now I have more work than I can get done in just one day. Starting in February Hunter will be doing two days of daycare a week. Also sounds like swim lessons are coming up in Feb or March. Fun stuff. Hoping to get out on the bikes soon to, especially if we keep having these 60+ degree days.

Got a few cute pics of Hunter utilizing gifts from you all out there. The first ones are of Hunter playing with a mosaic that his Great Aunt Barb made for him. The Monkey usually hangs out, get it, by Hunter's changing pad. He doesn't really like to get dressed for bedtime so the Monkey and it's googley eyes usually keep him happy. It has made a big difference for us in keeping bed time from being a scream fest.

This Second Group of pics is Hunter in his "Toothless but Ruthless" bib. This was a gift from Emily's Cousin Amy. She's into the Harley's(side note: somebody send her a link to this!). Hunter has become quite an eater these days. In the pics he is chowing down on some sweet potatoes, yum! Figured we better get him into this bib pretty quick as he has two little white bumps in front on his lower gum that look like they could turn into teeth pretty quickly. Thanks for reading, hope you enjoy the pics and the updates.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Haps

Hey All,

Not a whole lot going on around here. Just day to day stuff. No major milestones or doctors appointments lately. Deb was in town for Hillary and James' Baby shower. Thanks again to her for watching Hunter so I could go for a bike ride. Thanks also to James and Hillary for staying the night and watching Hunter so Emily and I could go to the FF banquet. Continual thanks to the Vollmers for watching Hunter so Emily and I could go to the Ave's game. Now, enjoy some pictures.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Another Test Post

Trying some new stuff out. Again, trying to simplify my life. Let me know if you guys like this or hate it. Has a lot of potential to make my life a little easier. Enjoy.

Cute Kid huh?


Thursday, January 13, 2011

Christmas Catchup

Hey Everybody,

So writing a blog, as I think I’ve talked about before, isn’t as easy as I thought it would be. Emily and I are busier than we have ever been as well. So, that doesn’t help a lot. But hey, we’ve set a precedent and we are going to live up to it. By golly by gum!

Hunter is about 8 months old these days. Kid's about as cute as can be and we are really enjoying him a lot. It’s been fun. He has started eating solid foods and is log rolling around the floor like crazy. No, Mom. Before you ask we haven’t baby proofed anything yet. He doesn’t move that fast YET. I know Mom, stop bothering me I’m trying to write a blog post here! Anyway. He has eaten a whole stack of different foods from avocado to squash, apples and peas. No meat yet, guess we’re supposed to wait on that. He’s been doing pretty well with it now and gets a bit impatient if he sees his food container or his spoon and has to wait for the first bite. Which he sometimes enjoys, sometimes not.

He has also started waving. Which honestly is cute as hell. He waves at strangers in restaurants, ladies at the grocery. I think that there is a potential cash flow opportunity here in a de-bacheloring service. I’ll let you know if it pans out. We didn’t really teach him to wave, he just started on his own. Seems like the learning things we aren’t teaching phase is well underway. Can’t wait to see the next one pop up, I think.

Now for some pictures, which you’ve probably already scrolled down to look at.

Before Christmas, checking out the tree.

Learning about the Christmas tree with he beautiful mother.

Opening presents with Mom. Already wearing his new Ambulance driver vest.

Excited about Christmas, wearing his Elf PJ’s

The pile of presents.

Family trip to the park to swing!

Excited to build towers out of his new toys.

Playing with presents with Cousin Samantha.

Grandpa Mike helping out with Hunter’s stocking.

Reading a Christmas Carol, night before xmas. I’ll read him this story every year till he’s 16 or so, then not again till he has his own kids. (Cynical, I know.)

Wrapped up in blankets at home with Dad.

Reading a story with Cousin Samantha, Aunt Jenn, and Grandpa Mike.

Obligatory 8 month comparison shot.

Loving playing with his new toy, thanks Osbornes.

Stop taking my picture and take me to Daycare.

Checking out his “My First Chrtistmas” ornament from his Great-Grandma.

Another potential tradition; reading the Polar Express. Assuming Mom can learn to get through it without crying.

P.S. This post took approximately 1.5 hours to publish.