No, it's not Hunter who is so talented.... but all our friends and family! We've received so many thoughtful, personal, and even handmade items for this little guy! Emily's mom, sister, and sister-in-law are all pretty talented knitters and have made blankets, booties, stuffed animals and more! We have also received many other handmade items from friends! Here is a small sampling of things for Hunter! This great bench Hunter will use all the time as he grows! This is from a fellow firefighter.

Here Hunter is snuggling a stuffed monkey made for him by his Aunt Hillary!

And booties from Grandma Osborne,

A blanket.... more handy work from Hillary!

And a super soft snuggly knit outfit made by Aunt Jenn! She has also made us blankets, a quilt, cloth wipes, and more!

I know I didn't post pics of all the wonderful handmade items... but there are too many! I didn't mean to leave any one or any item out, so don't be offended if you don't see yours here.
And here is Hunter post bath time, he's not a big fan of bath time...... but he does love getting his hair washed!

And finally, here is Hunter at 2 weeks, 1 day. Compare this picture to the one when we left the hospital (previous post) to see how much he's grown! Apparently he has grown weary of all the picture taking and decided to show us one big yawn! That's all for now
1 comment:
Awww! Hugging that monkey = so cute! (and talented!)
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