A lot of people have been asking for updates. Honestly there are only a few reasons for update. But I'll give you what is available and the story up to now.
Emily woke up this morning around 6:30 and found that her water had broken. We packed up the car and got some breakfast and headed to the hospital to get checked out. They decided, as we expected, to keep us there. Even gave us a room of our own! So there we sat waiting for something to happen. They gave Emily some medicine to help get things going. It got the contractions going a little more, a little to fast and she was firing up some triple stacks. Tater wasn't too excited about that. So Emily had to endure the contractions while laying on her side which she didn't like all that much, but Tater did. So after that stuff wore off a bit things calmed back down and evened out. Emily was allowed to walk around a bit, we've walked two miles or so, in 1/16 of a mile increments. After that we hung out to see how things would progress on their own. They didn't move along all that much, even after 16 more 1/16 of a mile laps. So the doctor and Nurse put there heads together and came up with a plan. The plan was fall back and re group. So Emily and I had dinner and a shower and we got ready to make another push on things. So now we are waiting till things calm down a bit, then they are going to try another intervention over night with the plan being that Emily will be all set to deliver the baby in the morning. So, we wait. Again.
Even though we've been here since about 8 am, it's gone pretty fast. If you broke your whole day up into 20 min increments it'd go fast too. Thanks to Brooke for stopping by and feeding Brewski, and all the other things we haven't found out she did. Thanks to Mike for watching Brewski tonight. More to come. When I have an update we are ready to share, it'll be here again. Enjoy the two pictures taken so far.
When Tater wasn't enjoying things quite so much, they put Emily on some O's to perk Tater up. Which it did. So far all is well and nothing to worry about . Emily is hanging out in the 4-7 or so range on the pain scale with the contractions, over 3 min apart and about 45sec long. She isn't very dilated, but mostly effaced.
thanks guys. Em can call her momma if she wants, any time at all. but hopefully, you will all get a little sleep for a while... spent a day like you have, and it's not a lot of fun. LOVE YA!
Ooo..a blog! Why am I just now learning about this? Even more exciting - a baby! But someone remind Tater that I was hoping for a 5-5-10 baby, sheesh!
I'm impressed by your doctor's laid back game plan and I hope things continue to run smoothly.
Keep the updates coming!
It's only 8:30 in colorado... there is still time!
Dang, that sounds like a completely exhausting day, and you've just got started! And hey, at least Emily will have some good fodder for Mother's Day and reminding the Tater of everything she went through for him/her. Document everything! :)
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