Sunday, October 19, 2008

Testing Tape Duck

Hey Folks, So Red Bull is hosting a Soap Box Derby race over at the Red Rocks Amphitheater. Red Rocks is over at the base of the front range here so there is a pretty good hill out there. A friend of mine from work has done this type of event in the past so I am helping him build a car. We are pretty much done. So we took her out for some hill testing. The theme for the car is "Tape Duck". So we built the car to look like a rubber ducky and covered it in Duck brand tape. We met up with "The Power of Cheese" and set up a little informal head to head racing. If you get sound in the video it's pretty obvious why we lost every race, that and their car has 50-100 pounds on us. It's been fun and the car handles really well. In the video you'll go on an inboard ride as the "co-pilot" racing "The Power of Cheese". Then at the end you get a good look at the duck 90% done. Hope you enjoy it!

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