Tuesday, December 14, 2010



So going to run down some changes in Hunter lately. All good by the way.
  • Raspberries. He has been blowing them for a while, but now they are more intense. He has to flex his arms and is out of breath at the end.
  • Object permanence. He is starting to look for things when you take them away, which is really a hassle, but he is more excited to see you again.
  • Excitement. He gets excited about stuff, like us and toys and such, which is pretty fun.
  • Tongue. I think he has figured out he has a tongue and he likes to stick it out and make funny faces.
  • Solid foods. He loves apples and bananas, unfortunately his tummy doesn't like the bananas. We are starting more foods in the future for him as well. He also likes yogurt.
  • Selection. He picks a toy, from a group, to play with and will move the other toys out of the way to get it.
  • Hands. He is passing toys from hand to hand and is starting to use his thumb and pointer finger in a pinching motion to pick stuff up.
  • Bathtub. He has graduated from the infant sling to the baby tub, to now sitting up on his own in the big boy tub.
  • Sleep. He's sleeping through the night on occasion.
Here are some things that haven't really changed, but we aren't worried about.
  • Crawling. Not happening yet, he'll barely hold himself up on his arms on his tummy.
  • Teeth. Not a one.
  • Talking. He babbles, a LOT, but no words just yet.
Overall the family is happy and healthy, once all 3 of us are over this lingering cold. If there is anything you would like particular pictures or info about leave us a comment and we'll work on getting it in here.

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