Sunday, July 3, 2011


Hey All,

Hunter is growing up like a weed lately. He has finally started really crawling like a big boy. I don't have a video at the moment, but I'll get one up here when I can. He can climb up stairs, but likes to come down them head first. Not the safest way to do it. So, we bought two more baby gates, taking us up to 3, one for everybody in the house. The joy's of a tri-level house. Hunter is also starting to walk if we hold his hands for him. He loves this but Mom and Dad aren't big fans. Might be looking for a better walking toy for him. Also, looking to get a video of him toddling around like this as well. Been busy but did grab some pics of the local events. Take a look below.

Chillin' with his toys. Takin' er easy.

Practicing for his Senior Pictures in a few years.

Sometimes are better than others!

Playing with Mommy. Hunter likes to stick his tongue out when he is trying to figure stuff out.

1 comment:

jonsdad said...

He's going to be grown up before we get there again! ;)