Friday, May 21, 2010

Gray Area Rant

OK, So I'm sure a lot of you have seen the commercial that starts out with the guy sitting outside the office and the two people can't decide to higher the old guy with the gray hair and the experience or the guy with the black hair and the energy. Seriously?! This dude should run to another interview, not to the Walgreens for some Just For Men. Does he realize he's being discriminated against based on his hair. Which despite the color is pretty nice, but I digress. Then, because he has perfectly balanced his gray hairness he gets the job. Not sure if he pops out and dyes his hair in the Walgreens bathroom (gross) or what, but some how manages to get the job. Then, he is sexually harassed by the lady who previously said he was too old. She's got a lot of work for him! With that kind of luck seems like more guys should be gray balancing for the optimal harassment hair. I couldn't find the commercial that set me off, but this one is equally offensive.

Secondly. Hockey. How can Versus do such a lame job of covering hockey and claim to be the home of hockey. They don't even really cover it. All they do is broadcast the painfully biased home coverage of each game. All they are doing is choosing not to show bull riding or animal shooting or fishing to play some one else's coverage of hockey. NBC on the other hand, does an excellent unbiased coverage with a reasonable amount of insight, for sports announcers. The only down side is that they show it on weekend afternoons so it's virtually impossible to stay awake through the game. Then you wake up to something craptastic like golf or poker, SWEET!

Maybe if I had the right amount of gray in my hair I could stay up for a whole hockey game, but I might be too tired from all the harassment suits.

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